Summer School in ’’Geomorphological Mapping in Active Tectonic Areas’’ (Camerino, 02-07/09/2024) - scadenza iscrizioni: 20/07/2024

ICCE Symposium on ’’Sensitivity of erosion and sediment transport to recent climate change’’ (Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germania, 24-26/07/2024)

Bando Premio di Laurea ’’Giampaolo Pialli’’ - Edizione 2024 - scadenza invio elaborato di tesi: 31/07/2024

37th International Geological Congress (Busan South Korea, 25-31/08/2024)

XVIII European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (Lisbona, 26-30/08/2024)

14th European Conference on Ecological Restoration - SERE24 (Tartu, Estonia, 26-30/08/2024)

Congresso SGI-SIMP ’’Geology for a sustainable management of our planet’’ (Bari, 03-05/09/2024)

IAH24 - World Groundwater Congress ’’Interacting Groundwater’’ (Davos, Switzerland, 08-13/09/2024)

XII Argentine Congress of Hydrogeology and the XVI Latin American Congress of Hydrogeology (Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, 17-20/09/2024)

Summer School ’’Mass movements under climate change: characterisation and monitoring’’ (Padova, 18-20/09/2024)

IAG - international Conference on Geomorphology (Christchurch, Nuova Zelanda, 02-06/02/2026) - scadenza della call per presentare sessioni: 20/09/2024

4th International Youth Forum on Soil and Water Conservation - IYFSWC (Shenyang, Cina, 21-23/09/2024)

7th conference on ’’Debris Flows: Disasters, Risk, Forecast, Protection’’ (Chengdu, Cina, 23-27/09/2024)

XVII Serbian Symposium on Hydrogeology (Pirot, Serbia, 02-06/10/2024)

4th European Regional Conference of IAEG - EUROENGEO 2024 (Dubrovnik, 08-12/10/2024)

Conference ’’Bridging the gap between water science and solutions’’ (Florianopolis, Brasile, 04-07/11/2024)

1st international Conference on ’’Sustainable Water Management, and Resource Adaptation - SWMRA’’ (Parigi, 12-14/11/2024)

4th African Regional IAEG Congress (Windhoek, Namibia, 08-12/09/2025) - scadenza invio abstract: 31/12/2024

11th International Conference on Geomorphology (Christchurch, Nuova Zelanda, 02-06/02/2026) - scadenza invio abstract: 31/05/2025

Special Issue della rivista GEOSCIENCES: ’’Advances in Studies of DGSDs and Lateral Spreads’’ (scadenza invio contributi: 12/07/2025)

International Professional Geology Conference - IPGC (Saragozza, 05-07/11/2025))

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