Corso ’’The PEST course Application e Theory’’ (on line e Vetralla, VT, 03/09-10/10/2024)

The PEST course Application & Theory3 Settembre – 10 Ottobre, lezione introduttiva e lezione conclusiva online, parte centrale del Corso in presenza presso la sede di Vetralla (VT) o da remoto.

    1. Docenti: John Doherty, Francesca Lotti, Giovanni Formentin
    2. Partecipazione:

                                                              i.      Online: 3 settembre e 10 ottobre

                                                             ii.      In sede e/o da remoto: 17-20 settembre

    1. Programma
    2. Registrazioni

This short course is intended to help those who use a graphical user interface (GUI) for model setup, to gain familiarity with some of the principles and practicalities of calibration and uncertainty analysis. It is designed to help you get the most out of this interface when using PEST/PEST++. The course also shows how a modeler can gain access to extra inversion and uncertainty analysis functionality by going beyond the interface when required. Finally, it provides an overview of new data assimilation and uncertainty analysis technologies that will have a profound effect on the way in which decision-support modelling is undertaken, but that are actually quite easy to implement.

The course is informal. We have a plan for what we want to cover. However, in times such as these when technology is changing fast, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and confused. So, some of what we talk about, and how we talk about it, will be governed by you, the audience. Feel free to come along and discuss your problems. We will do our best to meet you where you are at!


Luigi Lana


Kataclima S.r.l. Società Benefit

Tel.            +39 0761 481622

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