IAG - international Conference on Geomorphology (Christchurch, Nuova Zelanda, 02-06/02/2026) - scadenza della call per presentare sessioni: 20/09/2024
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Cari/e Soci/ie,

su invito del Segretario generale della IAG, si inoltra un messaggio relativo all’apertura della call per presentare sessioni per la IAG international Conference on Geomorphology che si terrà a Christchurch in Nuova Zelanda, dal 2 al 6 febbraio 2026. La scadenza er la presentazione delle sessioni è il 20 settembre 2024.

Tutti i dettagli nel messaggio in calce.

Cordiali saluti

Irene M. Bollati
Segreteria Generale AIGeo


Session & Workshop Proposals Open
Deadline 20 September 2024
Call for Sessions
The Local Organising Committee warmly invite you to submit a session proposal for the International Conference on Geomorphology from 2 - 6 February 2026. Tectonically-active, in the ’Roaring 40s’ and geologically-young, Aotearoa New Zealand offers world-class geomorphology with some of the world’s fastest rates of uplift and erosion.

Below are the Program Themes to submit to:
  • Aeolian and arid landscapes
  • Anthropogenic geomorphology
  • Catchment processes and management
  • Coastal and marine environments
  • Cryosphere and cold landscapes
  • Education, outreach, and ethics in geomorphology
  • Landscape hazards, risks, and society
  • Landscape response to climate change
  • Planetary geomorphology
  • Surface and subsurface processes and landscape evolution
  • Technological advances in geomorphology
  • Tectonic and volcanic geomorphology
  • Other
We’d like to thank those who have submitted a proposal already. If you have not yet submitted a proposal and wish to do so, please click the button below to begin your submission.

The deadline for submissions is Friday 20 September 2024.
Call for Workshops
We are now inviting proposals to facilitate workshops associated with the conference. We are open to accommodating full day or multi-day workshops held pre- or post-conference, and shorter (1-3 hour or up to full day) workshops held during the conference (e.g. during regular sessions or evenings, or in leiu of mid-conference fieldtrips).

If you are interested in facilitating a workshop, please get in touch with the Local Organising Committee to discuss how this might be accommodated. Click the button below to send an email with an indication of:
  • Topic of workshop
  • Duration and timing
  • Venue requirements (e.g. computer lab or lecture room)
  • Target audience and max number of participants
  • Facilitator cost imposed on participants (if any)
The deadline for workshop proposals is Friday 20 September 2024.
Sponsorship and Exhibition
If you are interested in becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor at the 11th IAG International Conference on Geomorphology, please email icg2026@confer.co.nz to request a copy of the Sponsorship & Exhibition Prospectus.
If you have any queries, please email icg2026@confer.co.nz or call Amy Abel, Conference Manager, Conferences & Events Ltd on +64 4 282 1583.
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