4th European Regional Conference of IAEG - EUROENGEO 2024 (Dubrovnik, 08-12 ottobre 2024)

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Dear Colleague,

This email is ask if you would encourage members from your region to attend the workshop on Engineering Geological
Models that will be presented at the October 2024 Dubrovnik, EuroEngGeol Conference (https://www.euroengeo2024.com/). One of the main goals of this workshop is to engage with other IAEG National Group representatives and to give them
an appreciation and knowledge of the Guidelines developed by Commission 25 and also provide the materials that they
could use to deliver similar workshops to their own National Group Members. The workshop will provide an overview of the IAEG Guidelines followed by sessions working in small supervised teams
on real life exercises involving typical infrastructure developments in challenging geological environments.
The workshop is intended for a broad range of geotechnical professionals ranging from engineering geologists,
geological engineers to geotechnical engineers  who prepare engineering geological models on projects. The workshop has involved a tremendous amount of work by the presenters and we expect this will benefit all IAEG
members wherever in the world they may be. I would be very grateful if you forward this email to your NG/RG’s colleagues with encouragement to attend. Many thanks! Best Regards, IAEG Secretariat
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