3rd BeGEO Scientists Conference (Napoli, 17-18 novembre 2025) - scadenza iscrizioni: 31 marzo 2025

Dear Colleagues,

The Italian “BeGEO scientists” association is glad to announce that the 3rd edition of the BeGEO scientists conference will be officially held in the wonderful Naples, from the 17th to 18th of November 2025.

BeGEO is no-profit organization founded in 2019 with the aim of promoting networking among young researchers in Earth Sciences in Italy and abroad. To this aim, BeGEO already organized two conferences in 2021 and 2023 during which early career researchers shared their scientific results and ideas, and got in touch with international companies and research institutes. The past editions have seen increasing support from both Italian and International entities, such as ESA, ASI and EPOS.

During the two years between conferences, our association also offers other activities dedicated to the members, such as seminars and field-trips.  

The new organization committee is currently working to ensure a great conference experience. The 3rd edition will be held for the first time at the Conference Center of the University of Naples - Federico I, located along the amazing Promenade of Via Partenope (www.centrocongressi.unina.it/via-partenope/). The conference will be entitled “Working for the future challenges in Earth Sciences” and it is already supported by several entities: Società Geochimica Italiana (SOGEI), Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e Geofisica Sperimentale (OGS), AIQUA Quaternario, International Association of Hydrogeology (IAH), Società Paleontologica Italiana (SPI), Società Italiana di GEologia Ambientale (SIGEA).

We hope you will support and join this vibrating community. If you do not want to miss our future activities and news about the next BeGEO conference, you are strongly encouraged to register your membership here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScQB_d9vmt157O-dBYkUoqwboQeJ1R46JLe2jpDzySJSS3Cxg/viewform

Further information about us can be found in our official website https://www.begeos.it/

 We look forward to meeting you in Naples!

All the best,

The BeGEO Team




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