International Conference I.S.Rivers - Integrative Sciences and sustainable development of Rivers (Lione, 30 giugno - 4 luglio 2025) - scadenza invio abstract: 30 novembre 2024
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Cari/e Soci/ie,

si inoltra un messaggio del Segretario generale della IAG in merito alla International Conference I.S.Rivers (Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers) che si terrà a Lione in Francia dal 30 giugno al 4 luglio 2025.

I dettagli nel messaggio in calce.

Cordiali saluti

Irene M. Bollati
Segreteria Generale AIGeo


Dear Colleagues and Representatives of National Scientific Members of the IAG,

With this message we would like to draw your attention to the International Conference I.S.Rivers (Integrative sciences and sustainable development of rivers) which will take place from 30 June to 4 July 2025 in Lyon, France, and is organised by the ZABR (Rhone Basin Long Term Environmental Research) and the GRAIE (Regional Research Group on Infrastructures and Water).

Please find detailed information on this conference here: 
The call for abstracts is open and contributions must be submitted by 30 November 2024.

IAG is a Partner Association for I.S.Rivers 2025 and we would like to encourage you to participate in this exciting event.

We would appreciate if you could distribute this information within your national geomorphology communities.

With kind regards,
Achim A. Beylich
IAG Secretary-General
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