EFG Workshop ’’Environmental Geochemistry for the Mine Project Life Cycle’’ (on line, 01-22/10/2024)

Join the "Environmental Geochemistry for the Mine Project Life Cycle" workshop by EFG Academy. This virtual course includes four two-hour sessions over four weeks, starting Tuesday, 1st October, 15:00-17:00 CEST. Learn about acid generation, metals leaching, and environmental regulations. Ideal for geologists, environmental scientists, geochemists, and mine professionals. Enhance your skills in predicting mine water quality and managing materials throughout the mine life cycle.

 Export to Your Calendar 01/10/2024 to 22/10/2024
When: Every Tuesday, 15:00-17:00 CEST, starting 1st October, for 4 consecutive weeks (8h total)
3:00 PM
Where: Online
Presenter: Tom Meuzelaar, Ph.D.

Tamás Miklovicz

Delivery: four two-hour sessions, to be conducted virtually, through four consecutive weeks.

  • Session 1. Tuesday, 1st October, 15:00-17:00 CEST
  • Session 2. Tuesday, 8th October, 15:00-17:00 CEST
  • Session 3. Tuesday, 15th October, 15:00-17:00 CEST
  • Session 4. Tuesday, 22nd October, 15:00-17:00 CEST

Course outline: 

  • Session 1: Technical and Regulatory Setting
    • Fundamentals of acid generation and metals leaching
      • Sources of acidity
      • Sources of metals
      • Acid neutralization
      • Metal leaching and attenuation
    • Regulatory and Operational framework
      • European Commission Best Available Techniques (EC BAT)
      • International Guidance: MEND and GARD
  • Session 2: Assessing Environmental Behavior
    • Characterization testing programs
      • Acid base accounting
      • Paste and NAG pH
      • Sulfur, NPR and NNP
      • Mineralogy and short-term leach
      • Humidity cell testing         
      • Field testing
  • Session 3: Predicting Mine Water Quality
    • Long-term modeling of:
      • Waste facilities
      • Pit lakes
      • Tailings storage facilities
  • Session 4: Materials Management and Optimization
    • Development of segregation criteria
      • Simple cutoff
      • Complex domains
    • Volume estimation for mine planning
      • Feasibility
      • Operations
    • Adaptive management strategies

Learning outcomes: 

  • Learn the fundamentals of acid generation and metals leaching
  • Understand regulatory drivers for environmental characterization studies
  • Understand how static and kinetic test programs are developed and executed
  • Learn how water quality associated with various mine facilities can be predicted during operations and into closure
  • Understand how material types are classified, segregated and managed during the mine life cycle

Target audience:

  • Geologists
  • Environmental scientists
  • Geochemists
  • Mine Professionals


  • EurGeol: 280 € (incl. 21% Belgian VAT)
  • Regular: 310 € (incl. 21% Belgian VAT) 

Registration is open, save your spot! 


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